In Memoriam
Published: 2019-08-08

In Memoriam of Antonio Pastore


On Thursday January 3, 2019 a serious and unexpectedbereavement struck the University of Ferrara: ProfessorAntonio Pastore suddenly died.Antonio was born in Nocera Inferiore on July 23, 1946.He moved with his family to Ferrara and after leavingthe high school specialising in classical studies (maturitàLiceo Classico), and graduated in Medicine andSurgery at the Estense University in 1973. His thesiswas entitled “Electrocochleography”.This initial love for audiology will always follow him,even if his subsequent activity was mainly devoted tosurgical oncology under the guidance of his Masters,the late lamented professors Gianpietro Teatini andCarlo Calearo.His entire academic career took place at the Otorhinolaryngology Clinic of Ferrara, first as a Resident, then as an ordinaryAssistant, Associate Professor and since 2003 as Full Professor. From 1998 to November 2016 he masterfullydirected the clinic developing teaching, clinical and research activities.He was a member of numerous Italian and International Scientific Societies and Associations and author of over 300scientific papers. His main areas of interest were the study of neoplastic pathologies of the salivary glands in additionto audiology and laryngology.I would like to remember Antonio Pastore, above all for the man he was.A rigorous scientist in love with research and teaching, as witnessed by those who collaborated with him and the manyfellow graduates under his leadership. He never forgot the respect for and comparison with students, and forever maintaineda noble kindness in the relationship with patients to whom he always inspired confidence, courage and hope.Outside the clinic he was a magnificent guest and an impeccable gentleman, always elegant and charismatic. For me hewas a firm teacher but never authoritative. I owe a lot to him. He will remain in my memory and in the heart of all thosewho had the privilege of knowing him as an example and model of both professional and academic life.



© Società Italiana di Otorinolaringoiatria e chirurgia cervico facciale , 2019

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