

Bronchogenic cysts of the neck: a rare localization and review of the literature

Cisti broncogena del collo: una rara localizzazione e revisione della letteratura

U. Moz, P. Gamba, U. Pignatelli, G. D’Addazio, F. Zorzi, S. Fiaccavento, F. Milesi

Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, “Poliambulanza Foundation” Hospital, Brescia, Italy



Personal experience in the diagnosis and management of two patients, one adult and one child, with pathologically proven bronchogenic cysts is described. Both patients presented with a solitary neck mass that proved to be bronchogenic cysts on histological examination. Aim of the review is to defi ne the cytology, histopathological and clinical characteristics of bronchogenic cysts and discuss the features that distinguish them from other cervical cysts. Defi nitive treatment requires surgical excision.


Presentiamo la nostra esperienza riguardante due pazienti, adulto e bambino, affetti da cisti broncogena. Entrambi i pazienti presentavano una massa del collo diagnosticata come cisti broncogena. Lo scopo del presente articolo è quello di defi nire, mediante la citologia, l’istopatologia e l’imaging, le caratteristiche cliniche della cisti broncogena, discutendo i fattori che la distinguono da altre cisti cervicali. Il trattamento defi nitivo richiede l’escissione chirurgica.